Stay Calm with L-Theanine

By Keith Woolley

Feelings of anxiety and stresses can often go side by side with our busy 21st century lifestyles. Whether it's sitting in rush-hour traffic, long days at the office or family pressures, as a society we rarely get time to unwind and relax as much as we should to benefit our well-being.

Some folks can cope better emotionally with stress, however for many it can take a heavy toll on health, work performance and private life. Excess stress could also affect sleep quality, mood, libido, concentration, immune health and weight-control.

Though there are plenty of natural 'mood enhancing' additions available to ease the side- results of stress, a number of these are shown to contradict with other medications and can also take a number of weeks to show benefit.

A relatively new, clinically investigated 'stress-reducing' natural supplement called L-theanine, has shown in controlled studies to enhance feelings of calm and relaxation ( without fatigue ) within 40 - 60 minutes of ingestion. This soothing remedy can be used as and when needed and has turned into a well-liked choice for managing hysteria, stress and scared defects, or merely to calm nerves and help the brain stay centered for job interviews, work shows, flying and even first dates!

Where does Theanine come from, and how does it work?

Firstly it is an amino acid found in miniscule doses in green tea leaves and certain mushrooms. Please note, there isn't any caffeine found in L-theanine supplements.

It is soaked up easily in the bowel and then transported right to the brain where it stimulates alpha brain waves. Alpha brain waves indicate that we are in a warning, yet relaxed and chilled state - similar to meditation.

And it is shown to cut back the brain's beta brain waves ; a surplus of beta waves are associated with nervousness, anxiety, scattered thoughts and hyperactivity.

Lift your mood : L-theanine influences the release of brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin. These 'feel good' chemicals are needed as a stimulant to raise mood and feelings.

Study and work performance : L-theanine has effects on the releasing of brain chemicals that support memory and learning ability. Studies indicate that L-theanine can help can be useful for those who need to maintain psychological clearness and perform under pressure.

Relax : L-theanine is excellent to help ease away work concerns and ease travels tensions at the end of a busy day. The calming properties of L-theanine won't cause direct drowsiness, although due to a more relaxed mind state, improved sleep quality may also be achieved.

Solgar L-theanine is suitable for vegans ... vegans.

Other de-stress tips:

Reduce intake of tea ... coffee - look for caffeine free alternatives Eat three meals limiting processed foods Eat quality protein with each meal to keep blood sugar balanced Increase your ingestion of necessary fatty acids Take a B-complex with breakfast to revive energy levels and mood Walk for twenty mins each day and target inhaling deeply. - 30415

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