Panic attacks are indeed a severe medical issue and they need to be treated as they only increase over time.
Panic attacks will often leave those who suffer from them feeling as if a thousand pound weight is crushing their chest, or as if they are having a heart attack. A person suffering a panic attack will frequently experience profound physical discomfort and even pain.
Being unable to get air will typically make the lungs burn in pain, and the abdominal discomfort can be severe enough to feel like being repeatedly punched. While the physical symptoms are painful and completely miserable, the psychological ones can be even worse. Feelings of impending doom, thinking death is imminent, or that a psychotic break is happening are all too common for those who suffer panic attacks.
People who have panic attacks are usually, quite understandably, so scared to have them that they are constantly on edge wondering when the next one will occur. Panic attacks do not necessarily result in lasting physical problems, but the emotional and mental effects are severe.
When some patients have a panic attack, they even feel so frightened that they may be suffering a heart attack or something even worse. The physical effects of a panic attack can truly mimic some very serious and even deadly medical issues.
Some doctors actually tell panic attack patients "it's all in your head, nothing serious" in a dismissive manner and end up making the patient feel truly hopeless.
Panic attacks should be recognized as the genuine medical problem that they really are. With other medical issues, treatment may be as simple as taking the proper medication, but panic attacks just do not work that way. It is really important that panic attacks are not just handled on a case by case basis; It is best to prevent them entirely.
Programs such as Panic Away prevent panic attacks. Since this program's primary aim is to retrain the brain so that it is not allowing the "fight or flight" response to occur at all the wrong times, Panic Away can not just teach you how to deal with panic attacks when they happen, but to stop them from plaguing you ever again. - 30415
Panic attacks will often leave those who suffer from them feeling as if a thousand pound weight is crushing their chest, or as if they are having a heart attack. A person suffering a panic attack will frequently experience profound physical discomfort and even pain.
Being unable to get air will typically make the lungs burn in pain, and the abdominal discomfort can be severe enough to feel like being repeatedly punched. While the physical symptoms are painful and completely miserable, the psychological ones can be even worse. Feelings of impending doom, thinking death is imminent, or that a psychotic break is happening are all too common for those who suffer panic attacks.
People who have panic attacks are usually, quite understandably, so scared to have them that they are constantly on edge wondering when the next one will occur. Panic attacks do not necessarily result in lasting physical problems, but the emotional and mental effects are severe.
When some patients have a panic attack, they even feel so frightened that they may be suffering a heart attack or something even worse. The physical effects of a panic attack can truly mimic some very serious and even deadly medical issues.
Some doctors actually tell panic attack patients "it's all in your head, nothing serious" in a dismissive manner and end up making the patient feel truly hopeless.
Panic attacks should be recognized as the genuine medical problem that they really are. With other medical issues, treatment may be as simple as taking the proper medication, but panic attacks just do not work that way. It is really important that panic attacks are not just handled on a case by case basis; It is best to prevent them entirely.
Programs such as Panic Away prevent panic attacks. Since this program's primary aim is to retrain the brain so that it is not allowing the "fight or flight" response to occur at all the wrong times, Panic Away can not just teach you how to deal with panic attacks when they happen, but to stop them from plaguing you ever again. - 30415
About the Author:
About 3 million people in the US have suffered from unexplained panic. Anxiety and panic attacksare poorly understood. Get further information on ways to stop anxiety and panic attacks and get back to living.