Why the interest in Candida Albicans over the last twenty years? It is because more and more people: suffer recurring problems that are the result of immunocompromised systems, take antibiotics more than ever before, eat fast and denatured foods without replenishing their mineral bank accounts, are prone to unrelenting stress due to career, money, health and relationship stressors, and have body environments that are perfect for hosting Candida Albicans.
The wave of illnesses fueled by candida overgrowth have given rise to the current public interest. The epidemic is born of current life trends: over-medication, poor eating, more immuno-compromised bodies than ever before, stress that is unbearable for some. For the 20% of humanity that is prone to this condition, life may be very uncomfortable.
You may have Candida Yeast Overgrowth if you have recurring bouts of: bronchitis, vaginal discharge, sinus infections, fibromyalgia, lupus, asthma, fungus under finger or toenails, a coated tongue, depression and sadness, chronic fatigue syndrome, colds and influenza, thrush, and bloated stomach after only a few bites of food. The list goes on; however, these are the common complaints I hear. If you have food cravings for sugars and simple carbohydrates, wake up at night between 2 and 4 A.M., suffer from unclear thoughts you might suspect Candida Overgrowth, especially if you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms with the latter three.
It is said to be dimorphic which means it shape shifts from white to opaque cells so that it can mate. That ability to morph creates a fungus that can run rampant in a system that is a good host. Candida can coat the throat, mouth, esophagus, live in the genitourinary tract, live in the stomach, intestines and gut, the lungs and sinuses In advanced cases it completely overruns the body and kills it. That is fourth stage candida. The body hosting candida overgrown is also the host for parasites.
There are several factors which make a perfect host situation for Candida Albicans: overwhelming stress, hormonal changes such as post natal, menopause, stopping breast feeding, antibiotics, steroids, other medicine that kills naturally occurring healthy bacteria in the body, post-surgery, grief, loss and prolonged sadness or illness, too much sugar, simple carbohydrates, and fast foods. This is the first in series of articles on creating a healthy environment that cannot be tolerated by candida andother parasites.
To Your Best Health, Ellen Valentine, CNC - 30415
The wave of illnesses fueled by candida overgrowth have given rise to the current public interest. The epidemic is born of current life trends: over-medication, poor eating, more immuno-compromised bodies than ever before, stress that is unbearable for some. For the 20% of humanity that is prone to this condition, life may be very uncomfortable.
You may have Candida Yeast Overgrowth if you have recurring bouts of: bronchitis, vaginal discharge, sinus infections, fibromyalgia, lupus, asthma, fungus under finger or toenails, a coated tongue, depression and sadness, chronic fatigue syndrome, colds and influenza, thrush, and bloated stomach after only a few bites of food. The list goes on; however, these are the common complaints I hear. If you have food cravings for sugars and simple carbohydrates, wake up at night between 2 and 4 A.M., suffer from unclear thoughts you might suspect Candida Overgrowth, especially if you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms with the latter three.
It is said to be dimorphic which means it shape shifts from white to opaque cells so that it can mate. That ability to morph creates a fungus that can run rampant in a system that is a good host. Candida can coat the throat, mouth, esophagus, live in the genitourinary tract, live in the stomach, intestines and gut, the lungs and sinuses In advanced cases it completely overruns the body and kills it. That is fourth stage candida. The body hosting candida overgrown is also the host for parasites.
There are several factors which make a perfect host situation for Candida Albicans: overwhelming stress, hormonal changes such as post natal, menopause, stopping breast feeding, antibiotics, steroids, other medicine that kills naturally occurring healthy bacteria in the body, post-surgery, grief, loss and prolonged sadness or illness, too much sugar, simple carbohydrates, and fast foods. This is the first in series of articles on creating a healthy environment that cannot be tolerated by candida andother parasites.
To Your Best Health, Ellen Valentine, CNC - 30415
About the Author:
Ellen Valentine is a Life Success Coach and Nutritionist. She is passionate about health and seeing people succeed in life. Changing tomorrow living Organic. How you think every moment defines how your world is created today and tomorrow.Ultimate Life Coaching for Wholeness.