If you suffer with anxiety or panic you are not alone. There are nearly 40 million adults in America that suffer with some sort of anxiety, including panic attacks, social phobias, post traumatic stress disorder and many more. This total is almost 20% of the total adult population - quite a staggering figure.
A very common thing to happen to someone that suffers with anxiety is a panic attack. These panic attacks tend to come on very suddenly and can give some very strong symptoms, like sweating, feeling faint, rapid heartbeat, tingling in feet and hands, and the feeling of losing control plus others. Once these panic attacks hit, you will tend to take yourself away from situations that you know can cause them to start.
Cognitive therapy has certainly helped many people in overcoming anxiety attacks, panic attacks and other anxiety related disorders. It is a system that takes practice, but it certainly worth taking a look at.
When you think about the symptoms that you can suffer when you have a panic attack, you certainly need to find a way of overcoming the anxiety that is causing the panic attack.
The symptons of a panic attack can include a very rapid heartbeat, tingling in your fingers and toes (this is caused by the fact your body is reacting to your fear by constricting the blood supply to your extremites to protect your vital organs), feeling as though you are going to die, feeling very faint, excessive sweating and others.
Unfortunately when you have experienced a panic attack then the last thing you want to have is another one. So you take some precautionary measures which include avoiding the situations that caused the anxiety in the first place.
This starts off a vicious cycle, as you stop doing many things, you could even stop going out socially if you get panic attacks when you meet new people. All of this is going to cause you distress in one form or another, so it is really important that you break this cycle by taking action in overcoming anxiety or panic.
It is a system that definitely needs practice, but it's definitely the best way of overcoming anxiety in the long term. - 30415
A very common thing to happen to someone that suffers with anxiety is a panic attack. These panic attacks tend to come on very suddenly and can give some very strong symptoms, like sweating, feeling faint, rapid heartbeat, tingling in feet and hands, and the feeling of losing control plus others. Once these panic attacks hit, you will tend to take yourself away from situations that you know can cause them to start.
Cognitive therapy has certainly helped many people in overcoming anxiety attacks, panic attacks and other anxiety related disorders. It is a system that takes practice, but it certainly worth taking a look at.
When you think about the symptoms that you can suffer when you have a panic attack, you certainly need to find a way of overcoming the anxiety that is causing the panic attack.
The symptons of a panic attack can include a very rapid heartbeat, tingling in your fingers and toes (this is caused by the fact your body is reacting to your fear by constricting the blood supply to your extremites to protect your vital organs), feeling as though you are going to die, feeling very faint, excessive sweating and others.
Unfortunately when you have experienced a panic attack then the last thing you want to have is another one. So you take some precautionary measures which include avoiding the situations that caused the anxiety in the first place.
This starts off a vicious cycle, as you stop doing many things, you could even stop going out socially if you get panic attacks when you meet new people. All of this is going to cause you distress in one form or another, so it is really important that you break this cycle by taking action in overcoming anxiety or panic.
It is a system that definitely needs practice, but it's definitely the best way of overcoming anxiety in the long term. - 30415
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