Coping With Panic Attacks: What You Need to Know

By Trevor Mosley

Coping with panic attacks is a process that does not happen overnight. It requires the victim to devise a treatment plan that comprises of behaviour modification, relaxation techniques, medications as well as psychotherapies. When the treatments are combined, the victim can then manage his stress well. There are factors that cause stress levels to fluctuate: work commitments, family responsibilities etc. With ever mounting pressure, one becomes prone to panic attacks. Here are a few tips you can heed when coping with panic attacks.


Medications available for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) include the class of benzodiazepines such as Valium, Xanax and Ativan. These compounds work to relieve tension and restlessness. Benzodiazepines are termed "tranquilizers" and are administered for short term relief in more of a rescue fashion.

For long term treatment, the patient may be given Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI's) such as Prozac, Paxil or Zoloft. In severe cases, patients may be prescribed anti-seizure drugs. It is important that the patient use these forms of drugs occasionally and only when needed because they can impede the body's natural system of coping with panic attacks.

Therapy and Counselling

During therapy sessions, the patient is taught several techniques that will help him to relax. He is also encouraged to make some positive changes in the way he thinks and in his lifestyle. He also learns how to divert these thoughts so that they become positive and rationalised, allowing him to overcome his fears head on.

Psychotherapy helps the patient to understand the causes and the process of the illness so they can better deal with panic attacks. Yoga and meditation help in relaxation and can be good stress reducers Support groups are available to provide group reinforcement from those that have similar issues.

Natural Remedies

Eons ago, our ancestors have discovered many medicinal herbs that assist one in coping with anxiety. These herbal remedies are available in the form of warm tea or tincture. They can help one sleep better as well as relax his mood.

* Passionflower

* Kava

* Valerian

* St. John's Wort

* Passionflower

* Ginkgo biloba

* Skullcap

Dietary supplements can be geared toward a healthy mental state. Bacopin taken daily helps to ease anxiety. Deficiencies of vitamin B-12 have are known to inhibit uptake of essential neurotransmitters to the brain. Chamomile is an all-star player in the world of stress relief; its properties make it a natural tranquilizer and a substance that blocks the release of stress causing chemicals.

Best of the Rest

Other, less utilized methods have gained popularity in recent years. Holistic techniques centre on healing the entire body instead of centring on a specific symptom or body system. Hypnosis is has shown some promise in its ability to shift focus away from fears and towards healing and rational thinking. Exercise works as an antidepressant and a sleep aid, plus it provides an excellent way to vent pent up frustration and anger.

One other effective technique is the stimulation of endorphins into one's brain. Endorphins are the body's mood enhancers that are released during exercise and sex. Acupuncture techniques focus on helping one to stimulate endorphins as well. - 30415

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How to Deal with Social Anxiety

By Amanda Barnes

Anxiety, or panic attacks can affect your job and your life. While it may be difficult to admit, but its important to get help. If you don't, these anxiety attacks will lead you to suffer both emotionally and physically.

One strategy for dealing with anxiety is called the 30 Second Method. This method works by giving your panic or anxiety attack 30 seconds to run its course. That's because many times, a person suffering from anxiety attack worries they in serious physical danger.

At the onset of a panic attack, you go with it for 30 seconds. No matter what damage you think you will experience, allow it to happen within that period of time. Passing out - give it 30 seconds to do its best to you. By waiting 30 seconds, you are relaxing your body and giving the anxiety attack time to run its course.

Slowly count backwards from 30. This will give the anxiety attack enough time to pass on its own. Most of the time this method will work just fine, but you may wonder why this way of dealing with attacks works. Very simple, it gives you control over the situation, which helps you counter the panic attack You are controlling the attack and you are setting the boundaries within which the attack can be contained.

This method puts you in the drivers seat, rather than being a victim of the attack. You may want to rush your counting, but take your time, and count slowly. Stay focused on your counting, even if it take longer than 30 seconds, that does not matter. Continue your countdown, slowly, moving backwards from 30 to 1. Of course, with anything, the more you exercise this method, the better you will become at it, and you will soon learn that you will not die, nor will your heart blow up, and you will realize that the attack is only a physical sensation that does not physically cause your body injury.

As time goes by, you will find that you achieve better control over the panic attack, as well as your own actions. There are people that use breathing exercises that are similar to those pregnant women use while in labor, to help them ease through their attack, but this doesn't control them, it only helps to manage the attack. By using this counting method you allow the attack to pass while under your control, helping you to eventually reach the point where you can become free from these attacks.

By getting the help you need and dealing with anxiety head on, you can get much needed relief from these attacks. - 30415

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Ways People Can Help Themselves Relieve Some Of Their Stress

By Connor Sullivan

In the United States today, thousands of individuals are dealing with a lot of stress in their lives on a daily basis. For example, there are more single moms in the U.S. today than ever before in American history, the divorce rate is one in two and the economy is in a Recession. Most likely, one or more of these issues has affected every American in during the last decade or so. Because of all of these stressors, it is really essential for people to figure out how they can relieve stress and try to enjoy life. In Scottsdale therapists have reported a significant increase in patients who need help coping with the current issues in their lives. Also, Phoenix counseling has become popular among this city's residents who have recently lost their jobs or who are going through a divorce. Listed below are more tips to relieving stress and why each one is good for you:

1. Yoga and meditation are a few excellent ways to help reduce stress. Both have a focus on the breathing part of daily living. Both also focus on taking a "time out" during the day to just calm yourself down and really just work on rejuvenating your body. Yoga and mediation classes have seen an increase in popularity since the early 2000s. Once the main techniques of these activities are mastered, they are things which can be continued the rest of your life. People of all ages are able to learn yoga and mediation. One of the problems with this is that there are plenty of Americans who simply cannot find the time or sometimes they do not have the money to go to an hour long session two or three times a week.

2. Seeing a psychologist can be very helpful when making the endeavor to relieve stress. Almost always, a counselor can be of assistance with any major and minor problems one may have. These professionals aid their patients by making goals and working toward them. Psychologists also help teach individualized techniques for coping with stress. With a yoga class or meditation, the treatment/techniques taught are not usually tailored to each individual and each exercise works varying degrees for each person. Counseling is designed differently for every special client and it can be much easier to track progress. One disadvantage is that a psychologist can be pretty costly, depending on how many sessions you need.

3. People who increase the amount of exercise they have each week can significantly lower the amount of stress they feel. When you exercise, your body makes something called endorphins, which causes an increase in adrenaline. Adrenaline and endorphins are two of the things that make individuals feel good. So, of course, when you feel better it is a lot easier to cope with stress or even better, little things do not bother you as much as they would when you exercise less. This is the least expensive stress reducing method since you do not have to join a gym to exercise more.

Hopefully, at least one of these techniques will help assist you in relieving whatever amount of stress you are dealing with in your life. The best thing would probably be to try all three and see which one or combination of some works for you. If everyone takes good care of their bodies, our country would most likely be much less stressed. - 30415

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Learn How To Reduce Fretfulness For Life

By Michelle Elliot

Anxiety is an feeling related to fear and jitteriness, and it grows into a disorder when such thoughts are faced illogically. There are a couple symptoms related to panic attacks which look like the victim has a heart attack. Some people that have panic attacks can typically be identified incorrectly as a result of of these symptoms.

If you think that you'll be suffering from anxiety disorder, it is wise to hunt out a skilled opinion and acquire treatment.

Outlined below are some pointers on how to manage fretfulness feelings in simple steps. These tips are not the permanent cure for anxiety attacks. These directions are only here to help you get through anxiety attacks better.

1. Make Your Body Strong via Physical Exertion

Working out has been the most effective means to keep your mind and body fit. Work out will not solely profit your body but also your psyche as well. Make certain you furthermore mght meditate to rest your intellect have an adequate amount of doze to rest your body .

2. Eat Healthy

Eating the proper sorts of food can build certain you've got the specified nutrients to form certain your body functions properly. Don't smoke and don't eat food that include stimulants. Some of those food may cause a speedier pulse, triggering panic attacks.

3. Get Your Children and Associate Support

It is important to acknowledge that you have a downside, and not be afraid to hunt facilitate from your family and close ones. Unlock your feelings and belief regarding your illness so they will better perceive what you are going through. This will ease the apprehension and help you cope whereas having an attack.

4. Relaxation Strategies Soothing your thoughts can facilitate your bear anxiety attacks. Meditation could be a ability that you'll want to be told to combat the apprehension attacks.

5. Studying the panic Attack Signs

Detect the cause of the panic attack and make sure if it's caused by something or someone. After knowing the cause of the panic attack, learn the way to stay away from them if you'll be able to or identify the way to deal with them if they can't be evaded. - 30415

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Live Fearless - How to Conquer a Fear of Flying

By Dana Goldberg

Airplanes take off and land safely everyday. Very rarely, though, something does go wrong. Though it is less likely for an accident to happen while on a plane than in a car, many people still suffer from aviophobia, or flying phobia.

Being afraid to go on an airplane is very hard to get over and live with. This fear can seemingly come out of nowhere, but for others it can be traced to a specific event.

Aviophobia is characterized by many physical and psychological symptoms. These include, difficulty breathing, muscle tension, sweating, stomach discomfort, chest pain, and dizziness. Some people even experience weakness, forgetfulness, and make poor decisions as a result of the fear.

These feelings arise due to a feeling of being trapped and having no control over one's surroundings. Not being able to move around freely makes this worse.

Generally, people who have this fear visit with their doctor prior to flying. The doctor will usually write a prescription for a drug, such as Valium or other relaxants. However, there are other ways to deal with aviophobia.

Some people seek educational treatments. This education provides the passenger with information on how the aircraft works, how it is flown, and the safety checks that are performed before the plane takes off. This works very well for some people and significantly reduces their fears.

Other treatment options include cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, and desensitization. During these kinds of treatments, a doctor attempts to uncover the source of the fear and then heal the patient by helping them get over the traumatic event.

If you are suffering from flying phobia, you don't have to live with it forever. Medication can provide you with a quick fix, but therapy can give you long lasting relief. - 30415

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Stop Anxiety And Panic Attacks

By Adrian Logan

It is simple to learn how to stop anxiety and panic attacks. But without any guidance, it can be very difficult to conquer on your own, Here are some ways to stop the attacks.

If your chest feel heavy and it is difficult to breath, like there was not enough oxygen in the air, it is the initial symptoms for a panic attack. The two biggest side effects of panic attacks I found out a few weeks later are the perception of breathing difficulties, along with an elevated and even painful heart rate

* To stop these panic attacks you have to realize that these attacks are nothing more and nothing less than your body reacting to stress in your life, which activates the biological fight-or-flight reaction.These episodes do not harm your body or pose any danger to you as there is no physical cause.

* Maybe you did not notice that you have having a panic episode. Some people might think that is a heart attack, or your lungs aren't working properly, or you are sick. All of these feelings are physical manifestations of problems that are actually entirely internal. Tell yourself that you are fine, these attacks don't kill anyone, and that this attack will pass.

* The next step is to find their cause. Did you have panic episodes like this a year ago? What about six months ago? What changed? If you can't think of any significant, stressful differences in your life, think back a month at a time until you create a shortlist of possibilities. It's even possible that many little problems contributed to one MASSIVE problem.

* Your panic attacks might be resulting from an elevation of problems or anxiety that had been building up over months or years and finally reached "critical mass" and not caused by extremely recent concerns. They might be symptoms of a slowly-growing mental affliction, like generalized anxiety disorder or depression, that your body went overboard because it was not able to sustain any longer.

* The final step is determining whether or not you can cure your own panic attacks. The key for self-treatment is being convinced that what you're experiencing, are, indeed, panic attacks, and not something seriously wrong with your body. I personally required a couple of doctor's examinations before I believed that. That second visit marked the day of the last severe attack I've ever had.

Can you imagine feeling relaxed and happy again? How about making your last panic attack your LAST panic attack? Here's how to do it. - 30415

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Ways to Overcome Panic Attacks

By Harry Constantine

Panic attacks are often a significant problem for the folks that suffer from them. In some cases folks become too scared of going outside because they suffer from panic attacks.

Once you've got over your panic attacks you'll get on with your life. Many people who have regular panic attacks simply want to be in a position to get on with their lives.

Here are some easy techniques that will facilitate you to beat panic attacks and stop them from being so frequent.

When you begin to panic your breathing can always speed up and become very shallow. Once you are relaxed concentrate on breathing deeply and evenly from your stomach. You wish to be ready to breath like this without having to think about it.

The moment you feel a panic attack beginning, pay attention to breathing in this deep, regular manner. You could want to stop what ever you are doing and sit down to concentrate on making your breathing regular again. Sometimes this is often all it takes to prevent a panic attack.

After some practise this can become second nature to you and when you start to panic you will automatically breath deeply and relax, which will quell the feelings of panic. Initially you may want to use a cue to remind you to breath in this way, perhaps write it on your hand or tell the folks around you to remind you.

If you are more relaxed then you will usually notice it easier to deal with panic attacks. You can learn yoga or meditation or self hypnosis to help you relax more.

Panic attacks come from the sensation of being out of control, worry and not being able to cope. You end up not thinking straight because of the strain these induce. With these simple relaxation techniques you'll be able to prevent the stress and panic attacks from taking over.

When you understand what triggers a panic attack then you may be able to begin avoiding those situations. There are always going to be triggers you cannot avoid so you would like to alter how you are feeling concerning them. You could use one of any range of techniques, but a great one is to visualise a relaxed and calm you just before you enter the situation. Hold on to that feeling of relaxation and tranquility as you expertise the situation in your mind.

As your sub-conscious mind does not recognize the distinction between what you imagine and what's real (just imagine one thing that hurt from the past to check the reality behind this) you'll change how you are feeling regarding those situations.

If you do this visualization enough, the things that previously caused panic can only make you relaxed and calm. This might be a touch peculiar initially, but you'll favor it.

You can overcome panic attacks using the above techniques. Be prepared to be patient and to give yourself some time and you may see great results. - 30415

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